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"Don't Be a Know-It-All, Be a Learn-It-All"

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The Message Is This

Are You A Genuine Christian Believer?  Do You Believe God?  Or Man? 

When God spoke to mankind, the Church totally rejected what God stated.  There is only one instance in the Gospels where the Voice of God spoke directly and openly to mankind, and provided the prodigal sons and daughters an ultra-important message -- but the leaders of the fourth century Church did not like what the Voice of God said, so they changed the very words of God in order to totally change the teachings of the Church.  The problem is that the Truth of the Gospel is based upon the Words spoken directly by God to mankind -- and the corrupting of the Words that God spoke directly to man has totally alienated believers from the spiritual meaning of the Gospel and the New Covenant.  Which reality provokes the question: When the leaders of the Church change the very words that God reportedly spoke to mankind -- making them mean something totally different than their original meaning -- and then the same institutionalized Church hunted down the spiritual Christians who rejected the faux-religion of the emperor as heretics -- can modern believers then claim that they are following the Word of God?  This is the question that every Christian will be confronted with when they arrive in the hereafter.  Thus, the spiritual line has bee drawn, and each person will be required to affirm their belief either in the Words of God, or the words of Roman Emperors and the leaders of their Churches.   And if we pose the question: How serious was the corruptions of the Gospels by the institutionalized Church?  So many important teachings were either removed or changed, that it provoked the Spiritual Christians to hide and preserve whole libraries of scriptures for when they were needed to restore the teachings of Jesus in the future.  The Hand of God has again moved, and that time has arrived.  Will you believe and embrace the Words of God?  Or the doctrines of Roman Emperors? 

The Message Is This: If you embrace the Words of God as set forth in the Original Gospels, and use the Gospels for their intended original purpose as the Key of Knowledge, committing your life to Living the Gospel Teachings, then you will EXPERIENCE THE TRUTH that will set you free. 

Christians reject the well proven and documented assertion that their Bibles have been severely corrupted (see http://BibleCorruption.com ).  In a total denial of the actual facts, Christians reply with the manmade dogma the Church has taught them.  They traditionally employ quasi-reasoning that if God permitted the Gospels to be corrupted, that people would not know what to believe.   But those who are even mildly aware of the facts, portray this denial of the truth as a canard -- i.e, a bold face lie and deception intended to preserve and protect the man-made doctrines of the Church that has totally alienated the congregation of believers from the Truth and the Kingdom they seek.  Why did God allow the Gospels to be corrupted?  With respect to the position of the Church, seekers of higher wisdom recognize that just the opposite is true -- i.e., if the Gospels had not been corrupted -- thereby making them relevant and applicable o the lives of a much greater number of people -- this large body of people would never have been converted to a quasi-form of Christianity that they could relate to and embrace.  Why was it necessary to convert a large number of people to a corrupted form of the Gospel which they could embrace in their carnal condition of mind?  In order for a change in consciousness to come upon the earth while preserving mankind's choice and freewill, it was more important to convert a large number of people to a series of Gospel teachings that they could accept.  It was therefore the foundation of the Gospels that was necessary to -- when the time was right -- to a higher level of spiritual maturity.  

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Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality Paperback 

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Effortless Change

If anything in life is consistent, it’s change. Many people resist change because they believe it has to be traumatic or painful. If you want to experience progress in any area of your life, change is unavoidable.

The Sacred Art of Listening: Forty Reflections for Cultivating a Spiritual Practice

Restoring the sacred to the daily art of communication is an oft-overlooked avenue of practice, but one that finds its voice in this slender, substantive volume. Lindahl, the founder of the Listening Center in Laguna Niguel, Calif., summons us back to "the possibility of Listening as a key to peace in the world." For her, "listening is far more than hearing words"; it is a sacred art that requires reflection, illustration, meditation and practice. These 40 meditations are exercises in mindfulness that entreat us to slow down and practice silence


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It is important in order to fulfill the very purpose of life in this world, that the prodigal sons and daughters have freewill and be able to make and live out the choices they have made.  Christians are being tested to see if they are willing to seek truth over the dogma of Roman Emperors and men who dress in the garb of priests and clergy.   But the critics of the Church are also being tested -- i.e., are they motivated merely to oppose, or are they willing to assist their brothers and sisters in the journey of the pursuit of higher truth?  While the critics have been given the reasoning and intellectual power to discern the great hoax that their faith-based brothers and sisters have been shackled by, their test is whether they are willing to open the door to higher learning and enlightenment for the spiritually destitute blind believers who dwell under the satanic umbrella of the Church.  While the critic has been bestowed the ability to see through the facade of man-made Roman dogma, unless they use this intellectual ability to guide their brothers and sisters onto a higher plane of awareness, they will have failed and thrown away their opportunity that has set them free of the faux-religious fraud perpetuated by what Thomas Paine portrayed as "priest-craft"

The eyewitness account has been made available to faith-based believer and critic alike.  And it will be the exercise of each person's own freewill and choice that will determine their future -- i.e., will they explore the facts that are not available anywhere else, and prevail over the cloak of ignorance that has shackled their brothers and sisters to lives of suffering and even death; or will they squander away their opportunity to arise and make positive change, and free their brothers and sisters from the dungeons of abject ignorance where they presently dwell.  Ultimately, the Truth is not in the rejection of the Gospel Teachings - but rather, in their restoration.   And unless a believer or a critic is able to guide the people they effect and enable them to open the door to higher Truth that can be proven and confirmed by their own experiences, then whether you are a believer, a critic, a clergy or a scholar or authority, you will have failed the purpose and objectives of this life, and you will be deemed a failure.  Every person possesses the innate ability to tap into the inner Source of Knowledge and Truth, and become Enlightened and of a Spiritually Anointed Mind (see Anamnesis - The Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths: http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#Innate ).  And since every person possesses this inherent innate ability, no one has an excuse for their ignorance -- whether their ignorance takes the form of a believer, a critic, an alleged scholar or clergy, or even a teacher of any academic school of thought.  All paths that embrace the core Original Gospel teachings and concepts, arrive at the same ultimate destination.  And if the Original Gospel concepts were understood, Jesus would have been seen as a professor who taught the Natural Laws of Creation and the Lives we are presently living.  And when rightly understood, it is the Natural Laws of Creation (see The Laws That Control Our Lives http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#TheLawsThatControlOurLives ) that when embraced, insure each of our success in achieving our Ultimate Destiny.    Therefore, the bottom line of life is that no person has a reason for blind belief -- whether they blindly believe in religion, philosophy or science -- each of us possesses the innate ability to tap into and learn the Truth of all Truths.  And since each person possesses this innate ability to tap into the Source of Truth and Knowledge within them, means that anyone who promotes systems of belief that fail to enable the people to tap into that Inner Source, is convicted by their own faux-doctrines that they promote.